About Us
This seminary of higher learning was established in year 1986 as an outcome of the supreme sacrifice of four noble souls who lost their precious lives in an agitation in 1974 for the cause of Degree College in Kishtwar. This institution works with the sole aspiration to prepare human resources who would combat impending challenges of change. As per the State Administrative arrangement Minister for Higher Education J&K State translates ardently Government policies into action with the instrument of legislation and political initiatives. The Commissioner-cum-Secretary for Higher Education Department, J&K Government is the Administrative Head, having complete administrative control over this Institution in terms of financial outlay, Transfer, Salary, Code of Conduct, Service Rules and Approval-Disapproval of proposals of any nature. Director Colleges is another unique office of an academician, among political and bureaucratic corridors who acts as a bridge with the help of supportive academic officers called Nodal Officers (Principals of a lead Government Colleges at Jammu & Srinagar). The Director Colleges and nodal Principal, both by virtue of their eminence and academic caliber enjoy a status of consultants who laboriously work for academician's amelioration and project academic interests in a required manner. Principal of the College mainly acts under the overall supervision of Minister for Higher Education and as said, administratively, Commissioner Cum Secretary governs the Institution. He exclusively issues necessary orders for compliance, command and assertion. Officially Principal transacts through Director Colleges and Nodal Principal whereas Institutional governance exclusively functions under the administrative authority of Principal. She/he is the singular drawing and disbursing officer and ranks as Class I officer with magisterial competence within the Campus under J&K State Government Civil Service Rules. The academic component of the Institution is aligned with the affiliating University which legislates on course content/ academic curricula, evaluation, conduct of examinations and award of Degrees.
Further, as a routine matter, Head of the Institution/Principal decentralizes management of all College affairs among faculty members for Administrative/Academic expediency. He/She locally constitutes few non remunerative consultant bodies called Committees, headed by senior faculty members of the College. The presence of consultative bodies intensifies coordination, work culture and transparency in all administrative and academic accomplishments of the College.
The secretarial component of the College Governance is made of Principal's Office supported by Section officer, Accountant, Record keeper, Admission Section, and Computer Assistant's etc. Administrative cog is directly accountable to the Principal and heed Academic/Administrative undertakings. For the completion of Institutional activities College Staff and different committees act and play subordinate role under the overall supervision of the Principal. Normally the success of the Principal is attributed with the coordination and team work of faculty in the fulfilment of Academic/Administrative activities. To realize this end Principal calls frequent meetings of the Committees and its record and reference is the essential component of campus culture.
In pursuance of its credo Institution frequently arranges local gatherings, Seminars & Science Exhibitions to discuss and spread its agenda far and wide to articulate persuasive enthusiasm for excellence. Further, presence of various committees' perpetually hangs on to a liaison with students, teachers, staff and other stakeholder. To boost academic activities among College faculty it encourages all departments to prepare Annual Lecture Plan in consultation with the fellow faculty members. Time Table Committee simultaneously frames time table to engage every faculty member in active teaching in accordance with UGC norm with a suitable arrangement in the corporate life of the College. The College since long is recognized by the UGC under Section 2F and 12 B of UGC Act of 1956. Further, Curricula and Co-curricular fixtures and comprehensive infrastructural plans are formulated in consultation with College Advisory and Construction Committee. Adherence to vision and mission of the Institutions has left indelible mark on pass outs/ alumni who actively are contributing in all walks of social life. All the academic programs of the Institution are in line with the goals and objectives of the institution. This Government College was in fact commissioned with an alluring zeal to uplift youth and to make them aware of their status, responsibility and role in the modern era.
The College offers Admissions in 20 subjects (with different subject combinations) as per the notification issued by the University of Jammu, Jammu. Mid-term Examinations are conducted after 60 days of Class work in a particular semester as per University norm, while as Term End Examinations for all Classes are held as per the date sheet notified by the University from time to time. Apart from academic calendar and of annual lecture plans, the Institution has comprehensive physical activity calendar. This is further strengthened with the organization of literally Seminars, Symposia, Debates, and Brain Storming etc. The Students Support Services available in the institution are rigorously looked after jointly by the faculty and students.
College in pursuance to its vision and mission is putting every effort to ensure a gradual and meaningful development of the students both in curricular and co-curricular activities. Since 1986 when College was started with a few subjects in Arts stream only, in due course of time Science Stream followed by a choice for Computer Sciences as a subject and Commerce stream was introduced. From last couple of years few new subjects, i.e, Geography, Fisheries and History have also been added in the list. The College is fully equipped with scientific laboratories, full-fledged Library. Modern paradigms, methodologies are adhered to with contemporary apparatus like Computers, Smart Class Rooms, Conference Hall, Multipurpose Hall (Auditorium), Guidance & Counseling Cell.
All in all, the Institution at present is the hub in fact, an empire of men and women educational activity. The striking features of the Institution reflect magnificent initiatives and contributions in the developmental process which eventually create conducive situation for better learning environment. The vision of the Institution readily prompts all learners, teachers, researchers and institutional stakeholders to utilize initiatives and contribution for enhancement of overall educational experience. To make institutional activities more transparent the Publication Committee along with Advisory Committee has taken the decision to publish all information about College activities which include;
- » Periodic appraisal performance of faculty and support staff.
- » Publication of Annual College "Magazine KUNG POSH"
- » Publication of Annual College Newsletter
- » Publication of Research papers in National and International Journals.
Student Community in the College is exposed to EduSat class teaching with necessary cyber gadgets (OHP'S, LCDS and Laptops etc) together with industrial visits, studying/subject tours are synchronized to promote student – teacher equation. On the recommendations of College Advisory Committee College management considers Merit based assistance to the students of economically downtrodden students. The stakeholders and faculty's activities/ performances are reported through periodical publication of Newsletters, Magazines and Research Journals. Again, IQAC frequently monitors Administrative services, Activities of Guidance and Counselling Cells, Students Support Services, Material Resource Centre, availability & display of standard literature in the Library and Computer software maintenances in the Campus.