General Rules
- » Unlawful assembly of students in the College is banned;
- » Writing of graffiti on the walls or sticking of posters is a cognizable offence;
- » Use of mobile phones by the students in the College premises is strictly prohibited;
- » Ragging in any form, on or off the campus is a cognizable offence and the students involved in the ragging will be severely punished even to the extent of being expelled from the College;
- » A student, who indulges in any type of indiscipline, is dealt with punitive measures under disciplinary norms of the College;
- » Students involved or exercise unfair means during examinations are liable to be issued Character Certificate with adverse remarks;
- » A Student desirous of withdrawing his/her name from the College Rolls should submit an application countersigned by Parents;
- » A student remaining continuously absent for more than two weeks will be struck off from the rolls of the college;
- » A student needs to attend a minimum of 75% lectures delivered during the academic session to enable him to appear in the term end University Examination;
The Principal on genuine reason can condone shortage up to five lectures in theory and up to three sessions in practicals;
An attendance in lieu of participation in the games is maximum of 30 working days in an academic year; and 15 working days in a semester.
The above rules are subject to revision, modification or liable to suspension at the behest of the College authorities;
Once being enrolled in the College each student shall be issued an identity card which he/she will carry and produce on demand as and when asked within the college premises;
All the students have to be in proper uniform (White Salwar Kameez for girls & Black Pent and White Shirt for Boys) on all working days;
The loss of identity card should immediately be reported to the concerned authorities and after proper FIR at local/nearest Police Station and after a proper verification duplicate Identity Card shall be issued against the cash payment of Rs. 100/- including fine of Rs. 100/- in the College;
Identity card is to be returned at the end of each academic session, failing to which an amount of Rs. 100/- shall be charged for the non-return;
No Outsider is allowed to enter the College premises without a valid reason and prior permission.